Micsig SigOFIT OP100-2 Attenuation tip (100X | 200 MHz )

The OP100-2 is a 100X attenuation tip with 200 MHz bandwidth for the Micsig SIGOFIT fibre optic insulated series.


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Product number: OP100-2
Manufacturer: Micsig


The OP100-2 is a 100X attenuation probe tip with 200 MHz bandwidth and a voltage range of ±125 V for the Micsig SIGOFIT fibre optic isolated series.

The probe tips are available in 10X, 20X, 50X, 100X, 200X, 500X, 1000X, 2000X, 5000X and 10000X attenuation and in 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz and 1 GHz bandwidth versions.

Specification attenuators

Probe tipAttenuationDifferential voltage range
Differential voltage range
Input impedance
OP101X/10X±1.25V / ±12.5V±0.5V / ±5V3.75 MΩ / 6 pF
OP202X/20X±2.5V / ±25V±1V / ±10V4.47 MΩ / 4 pF
OP505X/50X±6.25V / ±62.5V±2.5V / ±25V4.19 MΩ / 2 pF
OP10010X/100X±12.5V / ±125V±5V / ±50V4.10 MΩ / 2 pF
OP20020X/200X±25V / ±250V±10V / ±100V9.03 MΩ / 2 pF
OP50050X/500X±62.5V / ±625V±25V / ±250V20.98 MΩ / 1 pF
OP1000100X/1000X±125V / ±1250V± 50V / ± 500V20.94 MΩ / 1 pF
OP2000200X/2000X±250V / ±2500V± 100V / ± 1000V20.52 MΩ / 1 pF
OP5000500X/5000X±625V / ±6250V± 250V / ± 2500V40.82 MΩ / 2.4 pF | 40.92 MΩ / 1 pF
OP100001000X/10000XN.A.± 500V / ± 5000V40.82 MΩ / 2.4 pF