

Your Success is our mission

The company motto reflects not only our attitude, but also that of our partners, which
exclusively very focused and customer-oriented providers.


Manufacturer of PC oscilloscopes, logic & protocol analysers
Electronic Design Automation for the development & verification of complex FPGA, ASIC & SoC
Atten Logo
Manufacturer of soldering, hot air, rework stations and soldering accessories.
I2C, SPI, UART & I3C Host Adapter & Protocol Analysis Solutions
css-electronics logo
Provider of CAN/CAN FD protocol analysis & logging solutions
Leading manufacturer of programmer devices for EEPROMs, SPI Flashs, MCUs, eMMCs, UFS
Manufacturer of in-system programmers with quiescent current and runtime calculation
Manufacturer of battery analysers, insulation testers & resistance testers.
Micsig Logo
Manufacturer of battery-powered smart oscilloscopes with touchscreen operation
Passmark Logo
Provider of USB Power Delivery test solutions and PC test hardware & software.
PEmicro logo
Develops and produces debug & ISP programming tools for a variety of ARM® devices
Prodigy Technovations Logo
Supplier of I3C, UFS, RFFE, SPMI, SD, eMMC, SDIO & 100Base-T1 protocol analysers
Manufacturer of the innovative and world-renowned logic analyser series Logic Pro
Provider of CAN, CAN FD and CAN Open analysis and logging solutions.
Supplier of innovative hands-free probes, fixtures and board holders
Siglent Logo
Supplier of laboratory measurement technology such as oscilloscopes, laboratory power supplies, spectrum analysers and more
Manufacturer of protocol analysers, host adapters, USB power delivery test solutions and cable testers
xeltek logo
Leading manufacturer of programmer devices for EEPROMs, SPI flashes, MCUs, eMMCs, UFS