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Resolver simulation with an arbitrary waveform generator
A resolver is an electromagnetic sensor that determines the angle and speed of shafts and axes

5 advantages of the CAN bus communication protocol
The CAN protocol enables faster communication between electronic devices and at the same time reduces wiring

SPC (ST Micro) Microcontroller Programmer & BDM Debugger
Based on a Power PC architecture, SPC5 microcontrollers offer up to 3 cores with up to 200 MHz.

Automated programming with Cyclone Control Console
The Cyclone Control Console is a powerful command-line application that allows simultaneous control of one or more Cyclones.

Test USB power supplies & ports - USB Type C & Power Delivery
The output power of a USB power supply unit varies depending on the USB specification, but not all manufacturers do not adhere to the assigned standards.

What is a Protocol Analyzer?
Protocol analyzers are indispensable tools for an embedded systems engineer. They allow engineers to gain insight into USB, I2C, SPI, CAN, etc., data.

Repair of freezed bricked Intel Galileo board with Dediprog SF100
If your Intel® Galileo board is no longer heard, you should receive the Windows * com driver.

I2C vs SPI Protocol: Differences and Similarities
This article covers information about I2C and SPI, as well as their differences and pros and cons.

I2C vs I3C Protokoll: Unterschiede und Ähnlichkeiten
Informationen über die Unterschiede und Ähnlichkeiten von I2C vs I3C sowie deren Protokoll Analyzer und Programmer.

5G in the Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things allows many applications of technologies from other areas of technology, such as the mobile sector.

Benefits of the System Power Management Interface (SPMI)
Using advanced power management techniques to reduce power consumption and improve battery life is more important than ever.

Send large data with Aardvark I2C / SPI host adapter
For the Aardvark host adapter, the buffer size is 64 bytes. However, the transactions can be much larger.

EasyScope X - Average Waveform Data
Averaging the signal curve can be a useful way to reduce the noise in a particular signal.

Beenden der Triggererfassung des Beagle USB Power Analyzer
Die Datenerfassung ist auf 256 MB begrenzt, da "Unendliche Erfassung" nicht ausgewählt wurde und die Erfassung automatisch beendet wird

Differences between SPI EEPROMs & SPI Flash memory
In embedded systems, a storage device is a physical device that can store data that can be used to communicate or perform a specific function.

68HC08 Freescale Microcontroller Programmer & Debugger
The 68HC08 is an 8-bit microcontroller (MCU) from Freescale Semiconductor.

Unable to program TPS65982-EVM using the Aardvark.dll
In most cases this error is caused by using the wrong aardvark.dll version or install path.

Change from Cyclone PRO and Cyclone MAX to new models
The Universal Programmers are available as a replacement for PRO and MAX and are much more powerful than their predecessor models. Here you can find out what you have to pay attention to when changing.

The Impact of Technology in Our Lives and The Future of Technology
Over the last 2 to 3 decades, technology has become more and more a part of our daily lives, to the point where it has taken over our lives.

I2C Slave Addressing with 7-bit, 8-bit, and 10-bit
The NXP (formerly Philips) I2C specification specifies various slave addressing schemes

The I2C bus in the automotive sector
Since the I2C components such as EEPROMs have to withstand more difficult environmental influences and higher requirements, various IC manufacturers offer components specially made for this purpose.

Improved TDR measurements with the SNA5000A
TDR is crucial for cable quality in high-speed transmissions due to impedance and signal-to-noise ratio.

Challenges & tools for sensor integration
Therefore, the demand for sensor integration in consumer devices has grown exponentially.

RF front end control interface in the automotive sector
The interface simplifies configuration and integration and facilitates interoperability of components supplied by different vendors.