CSS Electronics CANedge3 LTE & GPS/IMU Can Bus Logger

The CANedge3 is a two-channel LTE CAN bus logger with GPS/IMU that can record data over long periods of time.


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Further information
Product number: CSS-186
Manufacturer: CSS Electronics


The Plug & Play 2x CAN/LIN logger records time-stamped CAN data (Classical/CAN FD) on the removable 8 GB industrial SD card.

The compact device connects via Wi-Fi access points to securely transfer data to your own server - with support for over-the-air updates.

The device features GNSS/IMU and adds data such as position, speed, attitude, acceleration and more.

Ideal for telematics, R&D field testing, diagnostics and predictive maintenance.

Software/APIs are free and open source - with no subscription fees or vendor lock-in.


  • SECURE 3G/4G
    Transfer data via 3G/4G to your own server. Update wirelessly. SIM slot. E2E security
    Log data instantly. Standalone - no PC required. Power supply via CAN connection
    Extendable 8-32 GB SD. 2xCAN/LIN. CAN FD. No data loss. 50 µs RTC. Error frame. MF4
    Only 8 x 5 x 2 CM. 100G. Aluminium housing. 4 LEDs. Configurable 5 V current output (CH2)
    Advanced filters. Transmit lists. Triggers. Cyclical logging. Silent mode. Encryption
  • GNSS + 3D-IMU
    Integrated GNSS/IMU. 3-fold accuracy through sensor fusion. Position, speed, acceleration and more
    Free and open source software/API. MF4 to ASC/CSV. DBC support. Python. Dashboards

Professional CAN logger - at half the usual market price

The CANedge3 combines innovative design, state-of-the-art components - and incredibly low costs:

  • 2 x CAN (incl. CAN FD) + 2 x LIN channels
  • Removable 8-32 GB industrial SD card (= months of data)
  • Popular binary MDF4 protocol file format
  • Advanced functions for filtering and transmitting messages
  • Start/stop logging trigger based on CAN ID and data bytes
  • Silent mode, automatic bit rate detection, cyclic logging
  • Data compression & encryption (e.g. for GDPR, CCPA)
  • Support for CAN/LIN error frame logging
  • Fast boot time. Safe disconnection during use (power-safe)

Reinventing telematics

Today, fleet telematics is critical for all vehicles and machines.

However, end users face challenges: Expensive subscriptions. No data ownership. Security concerns. Supplier lock-in.

CANedge2 offers a modern alternative:

  • Upload data to your own local/dedicated/cloud server
  • Easily add WLAN access point and server details to the configuration
  • Log data to the SD card and upload it automatically when a Wi-Fi connection is established
  • Configure the file split size/period to control the upload frequency
  • 100% secure: HTTPS, credential encryption and more
  • Management via over-the-air updates (firmware and configuration)
  • Power e.g. sensor-to-CAN modules via the 2nd port
  • No fees. No lock-in. Interoperable. Open source tools

Open source software/API - of course

The CANedge1 uses open formats (MDF4 data, JSON configuration, S3 server) - and all software/APIs are 100% free and open source.

The software toolbox includes:

    • Editors: Easily change your device configuration (online/offline)
    • Converters: Convert data to Vector ASC, PEAK TRC, CSV, ...
    • asammdf GUI: DBC decodes, draws and exports your data
    • Python API: Automate your data processing and integrations
    • Dashboards: Visualise data in custom browser dashboards

GPS and 3D IMU - Enrich your data (optional)

The CANedge1 features state-of-the-art GNSS/IMU functionality - perfect for automotive/maritime applications.

  • Add more than 40 GNSS/IMU signals to your 2 x CAN/LIN data
  • Full GNSS support (GPS, Galileo, BeiDou, GLONASS)
  • Built-in gyroscope (roll, pitch, yaw) and accelerometer (X, Y, Z)
  • High precision thanks to sensor fusion - even in areas hostile to GNSS
  • Signals coded as "internal" CAN frames (separate channel)
  • Configurable message integration/frequency (up to 5 Hz)
  • DBC file included for easy decoding into human readable form
  • Optionally synchronise the CANedge RTC via precise GNSS time
  • Flexible use via external GNSS antenna


The following functions and data can be utilised and recorded using GPS and 3D IMU
Position + sensor fusionAddtime-synchronised GPS positioning to your CAN/LIN data - with sensor fusion (UDR) for 3x higher accuracy.
SpeedSpeed datais useful, for example. Fleet telematics to determine speeding, idle time, asset utilisation and more.
AltitudeAltitudeis critical, e.g. analysing fuel/battery consumption - or e.g. in aerospace applications such as drones, aircraft etc.
InclinationTheGNSS/IMU enables position data and provides a 3D view of the system orientation at all times [Automotive].
Trip distanceOdometer dataenables easy tracking of the distance travelled by the system (since the module was last switched on and off).
Angular velocities3D-IMU angular ratescan be used, for example, to analyse driving and vehicle dynamics (tyres/suspension, drifting, ...).
Acceleration rates3D IMU acceleration ratescan be used, for example. Driving quality analysis and predictive maintenance.
GeofencesConfigurablecircular geofences are useful for e.g. theft prevention, security, automation and more
TimestampThehigh-precision epoch timestamp is useful, e.g. when synchronising the CANedge real-time clock.

Areas of application

Do you need to monitor prototype vehicles in the field?

As an automotive manufacturer, you often need to collect data on your prototype vehicles while in the field. CANedge3 makes this easy. First, set up an AWS S3 server, for example (in < 5 min) - and configure the device with your server details. Then connect the device to your vehicle to start logging and automatically upload the log files via 3G/4G LTE. If required, you can also send requests to enable logging of OBD2, UDS or CCP/XCP data. In addition, benefit from GNSS/IMU data with improved sensor fusion accuracy - adding signals such as position, attitude, speed, distance, acceleration and more.


Need to implement practical predictive maintenance for your vehicle fleet?

The CANedge3 can be used in any CAN application - including trucks, buses, excavators, cranes and more. The device allows you to log 2 x CAN (e.g. J1939) and retrieve data such as DTCs. Data can be uploaded to your own server in near real time for automated processing using our Python API, for example. This way, you can set up alerts and give technicians instant insight into vehicle status, location and more. Also check out our case study on predictive maintenance (over 250 assets).


Need to monitor and troubleshoot marine vessel issues remotely?

The combination of SD + 3G/4G LTE makes the CANedge3 ideal for maritime telematics. the 2x CAN channels allow you to record J1939 engine data and NMEA 2000 data in parallel, for example. The data can be collected on the SD while the ship is at sea - and automatically offloaded from the SD as soon as the ship approaches the coast (within mobile phone coverage). With our J1939 DBC and NMEA 2000 DBC, you can easily decode the CAN data into physical values - and visualise them in Grafana dashboards, for example. This enables fast visualisation and simple alarm automation for remote troubleshooting by e.g. maritime OEMs.


Do you need to monitor remote assets for warranty/compliance?

For remote industrial assets such as generators and solar/wind turbines, you may need to remotely monitor asset performance, KPIs and DTCs. With the CANedge3, you can easily "plug in" any CAN/LIN asset and upload the data to your own server. To optimise the size of the log file, you can use filters, prescalers, compression and triggers. This ensures that you can store years of data on the SD card in the event of a connection loss, for example for legal purposes. If the data comes in via 3G/4G LTE, you can also set up automatic processing and reports - or check data on an ad hoc basis, e.g. in the event of warranty disputes.


Do you need a data logger in your product - or as a telematics platform?

The CAN bus logger CANedge2 can be easily integrated into existing systems and is therefore ideal as a hardware platform for CAN bus telematics solutions. Configuration files, server interfaces, log files, etc. all utilise open file formats, with open source API tools available. In addition, the entire software is 100% open source and customisable - for example the CANcloud telematics platform or the customisable Grafana dashboards.


Yes, this version of the CANedge contains a GNSS/IMU module. If you install the device with an external GNSS antenna, you can optionally record GNSS/IMU data time-synchronised with your 2 x CAN/LIN data.

The GNSS/IMU information is recorded as if the data were being sent over a CAN bus network recorded by the CANedge. To separate it from the CAN/LIN channels, the data is stored in the log files under a separate "internal" pseudo channel.

Previously, adding GNSS/IMU to the CANedge required the connection of a GPS-to-CAN module (such as CANmod.gps ) to the CANedge (e.g. on the 2nd port).

The new internal GNSS/IMU offers a number of advantages:

  • It is much more compact - and easier to install
  • The overall costs are drastically reduced
  • The 2nd CAN channel of the CANedge is "freed up" for logging CAN data
  • The internal GNSS messages are available at up to 5 Hz instead of 1 Hz
  • The GNSS/IMU is now configured via the CANedge configuration file
  • The GNSS timestamp can be used to synchronise the CANedge RTC (avoiding drift).

However, the CANmod.gps is relevant if you need to add GNSS/IMU data to another CAN bus system. In addition, CANmod.gps supports an output rate of 100 Hz for the IMU-based messages (angle and acceleration rates) compared to 5 Hz for the internal GNSS/IMU.

The CANedge is the 2nd generation of the CLX000. In general, we recommend using the CANedge for data logging applications, while the CLX000 is especially recommended if you need to stream data via USB.

The most important improvements to the CANedge compared to the CLX000 include


  • Extractable SD: The SD can be extracted to transfer data at 80 MB/s (compared to 0.5 MB/s for the CLX000 via USB).
  • Industrial SD card: The CANedge utilises an industrial SD card, improving performance, lifetime, temperature range and more
  • Channels: 2 x CAN/LIN channels, enables parallel logging of 2 x CAN + 2 x LIN
  • Aluminium housing: The new housing is just as compact as the CLX000, but significantly more robust and offers flanges for mounting
  • Power output: Supply external modules with power via the 2nd port, e.g. a GPS-to-CAN or temperature-to-CAN module
  • Robust protection: The CANedge has a stronger protection specification, for example against voltage peaks

Protocol files and software/API

  • MDF4 log files: Popular binary MDF4 format - more compact than CSV, faster to process, supported by many CAN tools
  • Configuration: The open source configuration editor can be used online or offline via your browser
  • JSON schema: configuration files are based on the standardised JSON schema concept supported by many open source tools
  • Converters : Lightweight open source converters allow drag & drop/CLI conversion from MDF4 to e.g. *.csv and *.asc
  • asammdf GUI : Enables user-friendly editing of MDF4 log files, DBC conversion (incl. OBD2/J1939), graphical representations and more
  • Python API : Easily process your data at scale and automate the creation of e.g. reports/databases/dashboards
  • MATLAB : Log files can be natively integrated into the MATLAB Vehicle Network Toolbox
  • Dashboards : Easily visualise your data in free customisable Grafana dashboards

Data acquisition

  • Lossless: The CANedge can log full bus loads without message loss (the CLX000 is limited to ~800-1000 frames/sec).
  • Compression: With the optional compression, you can reduce the file size by up to 80 % compared to the CLX000
  • Encryption: With the optional encryption, you can encrypt log files on the SD card for additional security
  • Extended configuration: Extended filters and transmission lists (e.g. up to 128 filters compared to 8 with the CLX000)
  • Precision: 20 times higher RTC resolution (50 microseconds) - with advanced RTC synchronisation options
  • Boot time: Much faster boot time compared to the CLX000 (~1 sec. vs. ~10 sec.)
  • CAN FD: The CANedge supports CAN FD (Flexible Data Rate) and is therefore future-proof
  • Trigger: Control when logging/transmission should be started/stopped based on user-defined CAN signal thresholds
  • Error frame: The CANedge supports the logging of CAN/LIN error frames
  • LIN slave/master: The CANedge can serve as both a LIN slave and a LIN master (publisher).

GNSS/IMU + connectivity

  • GNSS/IMU: The CANedge supports optional integrated GNSS/IMU functionality
  • WLAN: The CANedge2 supports WLAN data transfer to your own cloud/self-hosted server (incl. OTA updates)
  • 4G LTE: The CANedge3 supports 4G LTE data transmission to your own cloud/self-hosted server (incl. OTA updates)

CANedge1 and CANedge2 are 100% identical except for the WiFi functionality in CANedge2. Likewise, CANedge1 and CANedge3 are identical except for the 4G LTE functionality of CANedge3. Also note that CANedge1/CANedge2 supports optional GNSS/IMU, while this is part of CANedge3 by default.

If you only need to collect your CAN data infrequently and the device is physically easily accessible, then CANedge1 is usually sufficient. However, if you need to collect your data frequently and preferably remotely, the CANedge2/CANedge3 will quickly become worthwhile. Especially if you need to collect data on a fleet of vehicles or machines, CANedge2/CANedge3 are far more practical and cost-effective.

A CANedge connected via WLAN/LTE offers the additional advantage that you can fully automate your data collection and data processing workflow. For example, you can set up automated Python API scripts to modify your data, decode it via DBC - and set up telematics dashboards, for example. The CANedge2 is also easier to manage in the field, as you can monitor the status via the CANcloud telematics platform and perform over-the-air configuration and firmware updates, for example.

For use cases where a Wi-Fi network is available, we recommend the CANedge2. If you need to upload data over 4G LTE (cellular), we recommend the CANedge3.

The size of a raw MF4 log file depends on the application - and how much data you want to record.

The following overview shows a typical example for a heavy goods vehicle (J1939 data) with 700 frames/second. If you record everything, you can record data around the clock for about 7 days with an 8 GB SD card, while with 32 GB you can record for about 26 days.

However, the CANedge supports powerful options to optimise the log file size. Therefore, a more realistic scenario is shown below, where you can record more than 800 days with a 32 GB SD card, for example.

Below we list some of the key features you can use to optimise your logging:

  • Compression: activate compression to reduce the data size by 50-80%.
  • Filter: Specify which CAN IDs should be recorded/ignored (via ranges and masks).
  • Prescaler: Instead of recording frames with their "raw frequencies", you can adjust the frequency based on the CAN ID
  • Control signal: Specify when to start/stop logging based on specific CAN signal thresholds
  • When the SD card is full, cyclic logging allows the CANedge CAN logger to continue logging data by deleting the oldest log files first.

The CANedge1 CAN logger is superior to the CL2000 when it comes to logging data to the SD card. However, the CANedge1 does not support real-time streaming via USB. For such an application, we would recommend the CL2000, for example.

You can find a comprehensive introduction to CAN logging with CANedge in the 45-minute webinar .

Below we explain the basics of how you can start logging raw CAN data:

  • Connect the CAN logger to your CAN bus (optionally with our adapter cables)
  • The device switches on, recognises the bit rate and starts logging the raw data to the SD card
  • Disconnect the device, extract the SD card and insert it into your PC
  • open the raw log files e.g. in the Asammdf GUI/API for DBC decoding and visualisation

You can find more information on the first steps in the CANedge introduction and in the documents - or contact us if you have any questions.

The CANedge has been developed to offer the best price/performance ratio on the market for CAN/LIN loggers with professional specifications.

In particular, the following factors set it apart from similar devices:

  • Professional specifications: The CANedge offers specifications comparable to the best loggers available
  • Compact: The CANedge is 50-80% smaller compared to similar devices
  • Low cost: The CANedge is 50-80% less expensive compared to similar devices
  • Easy to use: The device can be used immediately without configuration
  • FOSS: All software/API tools are 100% free and open source
  • Interoperable: Open standards and tools enable integration into any system - without lock-in
  • Free support: We offer free, first-class technical support
    But don't take our word for it - check out the 50+ case studies from companies like VW, Siemens, Bosch, Cummins and others.

The above makes the device an excellent choice for e.g. automotive/industrial OEM engineers.

The CAN bus analyser CANedge1 can log data from any high-speed CAN bus application (ISO 11898-2). In practice, this includes raw data from almost all vehicles (cars, trucks, tractors, forklifts, buses, motorbikes, electric vehicles, ...) - as well as various production machines, EV batteries/BMS and more. Most aeroplanes and boats also use the CAN bus. In terms of protocols, this includes SAE J1939 , CANopen , NMEA 2000 , FMS , OBD2 and more.

For the special case of OBD2 vehicle data, the CANedge1 can send up to 64 customised CAN messages periodically and thus be used as an OBD2 data logger. Note that you need to check whether your car uses CAN as the basis for OBD2 communication (this is the case for all US cars manufactured after 2008, for example). Also note that all cars differ in the number of OBD2 parameters supported - and of course the CANedge1 can only record the supported data.

For applications where you need to add GNSS/IMU, we recommend selecting a CANedge with integrated GNSS/IMU .

For other sensor inputs (temperature, analogue, digital, pulse, ...) you can connect external sensor-to-CAN modules to the device. Our CANmod sensor-to-CAN modules in particular can be easily combined with the CANedge.

In particular, the second CANedge port can supply external modules with 5 V DC - which makes installation easy. The data from the connected Sensor-to-CAN modules is recorded in the CANedge log files together with the data from the other CAN/LIN channels.

Think for example of our CANmod.temp temperature-to-CAN module or our CANmod.input analogue/digital/pulse-to-CAN module.


CANedge: CAN Bus Data Loggers

Technical Data

Model specificationcanedge3-3g-4g-can-bus-logger
FunctionalityStand-alone CAN bus data logger with SD card and 2x CAN/LIN channels (incl. CAN FD) and GNSS/IMU
FirmwareSupports free firmware updates to add functions
ConfigurationConfiguration files based on the popular open source JSON schema concept
SoftwareFree open source editor tool for easy device configuration (offline/online version available)
Free open source asammdf software and software. API for editing, DBC conversion and conversion. Plotting of MDF4 data
Free open-source MDF4 converter - drag & drop log files to convert them into a file, e.g. B. CSV, ASC, TRC
Free open-source Python API - e.g. for automated data processing, reporting or integrations
Free open-source telematics dashboards to visualise your DBC-decoded data in your browser
Safety and securityCE, FCC, IC, KC and RoHS certified (see manual)
Tested for voltage transients (emissions/immunity), ISO 7637-2:2011, by TÜV SÜD (see manual)< /td>
Warranty1 year warranty
Support and assistanceFree, fast & high quality support
Channels2 x CAN channels (incl. CAN FD support)
StandardISO 11898: Compliant with CAN (up to 1 Mbit/s) and ISO & Bosch CAN FD (up to 4 Mbit/s payload rate)
ProtocolsLog raw data from CAN-based protocols (J1939/FMS, CANopen, NMEA 2000, OBD2, CAN FD, UDS, ...)
IdentifierComplies with CAN specifications 2.0A (11-bit ID) and 2.0B (29-bit ID)
Automatic bit rate detectionBit rate can be recognised automatically or set manually
RetransmissionConfigurable retransmission of frames that have lost arbitration or have been disturbed by errors
Transceiver protection±16 kV HBM ESD, ±15 kV IEC ESD, ±70 V bus error, short circuit
Common mode input voltage: ±30 V
TXD dominant timeout (prevents network blocking in the event of an error)
Channels2 x LIN channels
Publisher/subscriberEach LIN channel can be configured as a LIN subscriber/publisher with support for LIN data transmission
Customised lengthSupport for custom frame lengths
StandardCompatible with LIN 2.0 up to 20 Kbit/s (support for classic and extended checksum format)
Transceiver protection±8 kV HBM ESD, ±1.5 kV CDM, ±58 V bus error
TXD dominant timeout (prevents network blocking in the event of an error)
SD card8 GB removable class 10 industrial micro SD (SDHC) included (optional 32 GB) - read speed 80 MB/s
Parallel CAN/LINAcquire data from up to 2 x CAN channels + 2 x LIN channels simultaneously
Real-time clockYes - CAN frames are date and time. Time stamp with a resolution of 50 microseconds (battery backup)
The RTC can be configured to correspond to local time zones (default: UTC).
The RTC can be automatically synchronised via a CAN message (e.g. from the internal GNSS timestamp).
Log file formatLog data in the industry-standard binary format MF4 (easy conversion e.g. to CSV, ASC, Pandas, MATLAB etc.)
Data compressionConfigurable zipping of embedded log files (approx. 50-80 % size reduction)
Silent modeConfigurable silent mode: Restricted (confirmation only) or monitoring (no transmission)
Filter128/64 regular/extended ID filters per channel (range, mask, acceptance, rejection, prescaling)
PrescalingPre-scaling of CAN frames, e.g. e.g. by time (per X ms) or by data (e.g. when byte X or Y changes)
TransmitTransmit lists of CAN frames per channel (single-shot/periodic) - e.g. for OBD2 requests
CAN error frameSupport for logging CAN error frames (bit stuffing, form, CRC, bit, confirmation)
LIN error framesSupport for logging LIN error frames (checksum, reception, synchronisation, transmission)
Remote frames (RTR)Support for logging/transmission of remote CAN frames (RTR)
Cyclic loggingOptional cyclic logging mode (oldest log file is deleted when the SD card is full)
Extended triggerThe control signal allows you to start/stop logging based on user-defined CAN IDs and IDs. Data thresholds
CAN heartbeatOptional heartbeat CAN frame with device status, used memory & transmit. RTC time
File splittingConfigurable log file split size (by size: 1-512 MB and/or by time period: 0-86400 s)
Power Safe100% power safe data logging - no file corruption when disconnecting
Unique device IDEach device has a globally unique ID that ensures unique naming of the log files
Data encryptionLog files can be encrypted at rest on the SD card for security/DSGVO/CCPA purposes
ModuleProfessional u-blox NEO-M9V sensor module (92 channels) with integrated gyroscope and accelerometer
GNSSSupports combinations of GPS (USA), Galileo (Europe), BeiDou (China), GLONASS (Russia)
Sensor fusion (UDR)Improved position accuracy through sensor fusion (UDR) of GNSS and 3D-IMU [automotive only]
Up to three times higher accuracy compared to GNSS-only receivers
Extended and improved GNSS fix in GNSS-hostile areas (e.g. urban environments, tunnels, etc.)
Positioning accuracyPosition: 2.0 m CEP (Circular Error Probable)
Heading: 0.3 degrees | Pitch: 0.4 degrees | Roll: 0.6 degrees (68 % at 30 m/s)
Speed: 0.08 m/s
Tracking/navigation: 160 dBm | Cold starts: 148 dBm
AcquisitionCold starts: 25 s
GNSS antennaRequired for GNSS-based data (not for IMU)
CAN codingThe GNSS/IMU data is encoded as "CAN messages" in the CANedge protocol files (on a separate channel)
ConfigurationGNSS/IMU messages can be filtered/pre-scaled to allow inclusion and frequency of user-defined messages
Optionally record GNSS/IMU messages only if valid
SignalsThe module adds several GNSS/IMU signals (for a complete list, see the documents or the DBC file)
GNSS position: longitude and latitude information [5 Hz]
GNSS time: Precise GNSS-based epoch timestamp [5 Hz]
GNSS status: fixed type (NO/UDR/2D/3D/GNSS+UDR) and number of satellites [5 Hz]
GNSS speed: Cruising speed in m/s and km/h [5 Hz]
GNSS altitude: Altitude in metres [5 Hz]
Attitude/alignment: Roll, pitch, heading [automobiles only] [5 Hz]
GNSS odometer: Distance travelled (since power on) [5 Hz]
3D-IMU: Accelerometer-based acceleration (X, Y, Z) [5 Hz]
Geofences: Status of configured geofences [5 Hz]
Input supply+7V to +32V DC via channel 1 DB9 (e.g. via the CAN plug power connection)
Power consumptionExtremely low (~1 W) - no risk of battery discharge
ProtectionReverse polarity protection on the CAN bus supply
Protection against transient voltage events on supply lines
System & weightCompact aluminium housing: 75 x 47 x 20 mm (W x L x H without flanges). 100 grams
AntennasGPS antenna included in the scope of delivery
FlangesFlanges with 4 x M3 screw holes (head diameter < 6 mm) - see also CANedge "Mounting set"
Connection2 x standard D-Sub 9 connectors (DB9) (optional OBD2/J1939/... adapter)
Pin assignmentInformation on the pin assignments of the DB9 connector can be found in the product manual.
Configurable current outputChannel 2 can be configured to supply external modules (e.g. the CANmod sensor-to-CAN modules) with 5 V.
LEDsLogger status via 4 external LEDs: Power, CH1, CH2, memory
Operating temperatureOperating temperature (parts): -25 °C to +70 °C
IP ratingIP rating 40
Model comparison



Number of CAN channels11222
Number of Lin channels--222
CAN FD--YesYesYes
RTC timestamp-Yes (1ms)Yes (0.05 ms)Yes (0.05 ms)Yes (0.05 ms)
Frames per second~800-1000~800-10003000+3000+3000+
Logging to SD cardYesYesYesYesYes
Industrial and extractable SD--YesYesYes
Log file format.txt.txtMDF4 (.MF4)MDF4 (.MF4)MDF4 (.MF4)
Cyclical loggingYesYesYesYesYes
Silent modeYesYesYesYesYes
Automatic bit rate detectionYesYesYesYesYes
Filter and prescalingBasicBasicAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced
Transmit listsBasicBasicAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced
Control signal (trigger)BasicBasicExtendedAdvancedAdvanced
Data compression and encryption--YesYesYes
Logging of CAN/LIN error frames--YesYesYes
USB streaming to PCYesYes---
GNSS/IMU support--OptionalOptionalYes
Secure WLAN/LTE data transmission---W-lan3G/4G LTE
Over-the-air configuration/firmware---YesYes
Configuration editorYesYesYesYesYes
Support for DBC conversionYesYesYesYesYes
Convert data to e.g. ASC, TRCYesYesYesYesYes
Graphical plot support--YesYesYes
Data processing API--YesYesYes
Dashboard integration--YesYesYes
Telematics cockpit---YesYes
L x W x H (mm)67 x 43 x 24 mm67 x 43 x 24 mm75 x 47 x 20 mm75 x 47 x 20 mm75 x 47 x 20 mm
Weight (g)5050100100100