Total Phase Promira Aardvark Wrapper Software API

32-bit and 64-bit software API and shared library for C, C#, Python 2/3, .NET and VB.NET


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Product number: TP200610
Manufacturer: Total Phase
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Rosetta Language Bindings - 32-bit and 64-bit software API and shared library for C, C#, Python 2/3, .NET and VB.NET

The Promira Aardvark Wrapper Software API is intended for developers using the Promira Serial Platform with applications written using the Aardvark API. While this is a viable workaround, we strongly recommend migrating to the native Promira API to take full advantage of the speeds and capabilities of the new queuing architecture and hardware.

Note: Future versions of Promira firmware (after v2019-04-23) will not be compatible with API versions older than v1.40. We recommend all customers using the API to update to the latest API v1.4 to maintain compatibility with future firmware versions.

More information is contained in the readme file.

Supported operating systems

  • Windows 10, 11
  • Mac OS X 10.15, 11, 12
  • Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE, RedHat