I3C Electrical Validation Software offers electrical measurements compliance testing as specified in I3C specification. PGY-I3C-EV Electrical validation software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope and provides electrical measurements at the click of a button. This software provides the flexibility to set reference levels for electrical measurement and customized limits makes it the most versatile solution to meet different needs of characterizing I3C Signals.
Features I3C Electrical Validation Software
- Supports electrical measurement for Fast, Fast plus, Push-Pull and Open Drain with limit comparison.
- Links the content to the electrical signal in the oscilloscope for easy understanding of the electrical characteristics of the protocol.
- Zooms the selected I3C packet content in the decode table in the waveform plot waveform window for easy analysis of electrical characteristics of the I3C frame.
- Detail view correlates physical layer waveform with I3C packet data.
- Utility features like zoom, undo, and fit screen for easy debugging while correlating the electrical data to the waveform.
- Ability to store the I3C electrical data in CSV and txt format.
- Report Generation
- Supports WFM file format for offline analysis
Protocol View
Now design and test engineers can automatically make accurate and reliable electrical measurements and decode protocols in PGY-I3C-EV software using data acquired by Tektronix DPO5000, TDS7000, DPO/DSA/MSO7000, MSO5/6 series oscilloscope to reduce the development and test cycle.
Seamless Integration with Oscilloscope
PGY-I3C-EV runs inside the Tektronix oscilloscopes and makes the electrical measurements, and displays the decoded data in a bus diagram, a table, and links the decoded data to electrical signal in the bus diagram.
Reference Level Setup
PGY-I3C-EV is not just for standard electrical compliance testing, you can also vary the limits and test your device with custom limits. The intuitive limits and reference level setup allow you to configure the limits and reference levels for your custom testing needs. This enables you to test your device beyond the specification and characterize it.
Powerful Debug Environment:
PGY-I3C-EV Software provides two types of debugging capabilities. In one of them, the worst-case result can be selected and linked directly to the waveform as shown here. Software provides the flexibility to define the number of acquisitions and the results will include worst case results for all these acquisitions. Software can link the worst-case results to corresponding waveform acquisition using simple right click of mouse.
Supported Tektronix oscilloscopes
- DPO 70000
- MSO 70000
- DSA 70000