Prodigy I2S Software for Tektronix Osciloscope

ONFI software for electrical timing analysis with Tektronix DPO70000, MSO700000 and DSA70000 oscilloscopes


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Product number: PGY- I2S
Manufacturer: Prodigy


I2S Electrical Validation and Protocol Decode Software offers electrical measurements compliance testing and protocol decoding as specified in the I2S specification. PGY-I2S Electrical validation and Protocol decode software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope and provides electrical measurements and protocol decode at the click of a button. This allows engineers quickly check for I2S compliance and flexibility to debug the failure. In addition to this engineers can decode the command and response of I2S to debug the communication. PGY-I2S takes advantage of digital channels of MSO and provides the decoding of I2S data lines.

Features I2S Protokoll Software

  • A single tool for physical, protocol and audio analysis helps to cross examine the electrical, protocol, and audio layers.
  • The industry’s first and best Penta monitor (Spectrogram monitor, Audio monitor, Protocol monitor, Signal monitor, and Eye diagram monitor) provides flexibility in analyzing the digital and analog audio data in a single window.
  • Cross-linking of the spectrogram, audio waveform, protocol data, analog physical layer signal, and eye diagram helps to identify the problem quickly.
  • Support for I2S, Left Justified, and Right Justified.
  • A wide range of automated timing measurements as per I2S standards helps to test compliance to I2S standard timing specifications.
  • Sophisticated protocol- and timing-based I2S triggering quickly to pinpoint the symptoms
  • Oscilloscope setup assistant automatically performs oscilloscope setup to obtain accurate and reliable measurements.
  • Bus diagram and overlay of protocol data on the analog waveform in a signal monitor.
  • Unprecedented “Search” capabilities locate unique events in thousands of protocol data.
  • Ability to play and store the uncompressed I2S waveform.
  • Comprehensive and customizable report generation.
  • Ability to export the analyzed data to .wav, Matlab, CSV, and text file formats for advanced analysis.

Extensive I2S software for electrical, audio and protocol testing

I2S Electrical, Audio and Protocol Testing Software - Detail View

Engineers developing hardware and firmware for I2S are constantly looking for ways to differentiate their designs. Often, one needs multiple tools to test the protocol layer and the physical layer while verifying audio performance. I2S software for electrical, audio and protocol testing provides unparalleled cross-layer analysis tools and automation to improve quality and productivity.

Protocol Decoding and Debugging Made Easy

PGY-I2S software provides unparalleled flexibility in performing comprehensive testing that can quickly find problems to ensure a high-quality design. It provides flexibility in analyzing the various I2S implementations and configurations.

I2S Electrical, Audio and Protocol Testing Software - Trigger View

Powerful trigger functions

I2S Electrical, Audio and Protocol Testing Software - Report Generator

Powerful triggering features such as I2S protocol and custom setup and hold triggers help identify and analyze circuit problems.

Penta Monitor

Compliance with a wide range of automated electrical measurements to the I2S standard helps you solve physical layer interoperability problems. The industry's first and best Penta Monitor (Spectrogram Monitor, Audio Monitor, Signal Monitor, Protocol Monitor, and Eye Diagram Monitor) provides a single window for examining and analyzing I2S data in multiple domains.

  • Spectral Monitor provides a deep insight into the transient audio behaviours in the design which are very hard to find in time domain audio waveforms.
  • Audio Monitor provides a way to visually inspect the transmitted audio and play the sound.
  • The Protocol Monitor provides the left and right channel data listing and timing with respect to trigger position.
  • The Signal Monitor provides insight into the transmitted I2S signals along with bus diagram and overlaid decoded data.
  • Eye diagram monitor helps to understand the system performance, channel imperfections and clock to data skew.
  • Penta monitor along with the system utilities such as zoom, pan, un-do, fit to screen, cursors and audio play provides flexibility to the design and debug engineers to identify the problem areas quicker.
I2S Electrical, Audio and Protocol Testing Software - Penta Monitor

Unique search function

I2S Electrical, Audio and Protocol Testing Software - Search Data

The unique search function complements the trigger and helps to find problems on the physical layer, the protocol layer and the audio layer faster.

Report generator

The PGY-I2S software's built-in automatic report generator provides a highly flexible report generation function that enables effective communication of test reports between team members and management. PGY-I2S electrical, audio, and protocol test software combined with a Tektronix oscilloscope provides a unified tool for troubleshooting and validating the physical and protocol I2S digital audio layers.

I2S Electrical, Audio and Protocol Testing Software - Report Generator

Supported Tektronix oscilloscopes

  • DPO 7000
  • DPO 70000
  • MSO 70000
  • DSA 70000
  • DPO 70000B
  • DSA 70000B

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